30 November 2003

Thought I'd try one of these.

You are a steroid. You're a special kind of inter-
nuclear hormone and have direct, immediate
effects on the near future; you are pumped up,
ready to go, and excite the people around you
into action. You can also cause cancer.

Which Biological Molecule Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

A cheapo night out.

And so yet again my housemates and course pull through to make an average night a great one.
I only took ten pounds out with me as I didn't want to stay out too late and what happened, my friends coerced me with promises of "paying for entry" and "I'll get you a drink" to make sure I stayed up till the early hours. I even managed to get a lift home. Sorted.

So now I'm feeding Monty, checking my e-mail and catching up on my blogs. Its good to see that my bro had a good night too and never missed a beat to spread the word!

28 November 2003

A wee dram.

A nice quite coffee after a day of hard work turned into a crazy night out in 4 bars and 4 takeaways last night. I had been working in my school since 10 in the morning and as 6:15 rolled along me and the only other person crazy enough to still be there - a girl called Sam - decided we would go and get a celebratory coffee.
As we were stood at the cash machine we realised that the pub was closer so we popped in there instead. Then we went around the corner to try some Belgian beer,then we decided to go to the nicest bar in Coventry, then on the way home we met some of the guys from the course and got dragged in to another pub!! What hardship!!

Man I love my course. I have not been on a night out yet where I haven't bumped into someone I know.
Oh yeah and the four takeaways got us from pub to pub with a portion of chips and a pizza on the way home. Classy!

26 November 2003

The Missing Mrs Jackson

Sat in Resource Engineering yesterday I was framed for a crime in which I only partially had a hand. Every week we have been putting the name of our landlady on the register - it's the little things that brighten the day - simply to amuse ourselves. We have managed to do this for a good 6 weeks now but finally we have been busted. The lecturer wanted to know who Hannah Jackson was and had singled me, Tom and Rob out as likely culprits. He had been searching for her on the University records and had even got Administration involved to find out about her so her could enrol her on the course. When Admin told him she didn't exist he figured out what had happened and saw the funny side, it would seem however, and I quote
"Admin don't find that kind of thing funny."
Consider us suitably chastised.

It wont stop us though and people have even started leaving a space in the register so we can put her name in different places. A cult following may be born!

You know, that story seemed so much funnier when you were involved in it.

Less than two weeks to go now before my coursework has to be in and I involve myself in one of the biggest "guilt free" nights out ever. After December the 5th I should have nothing to do but turn up to lectures. Obviously I will be using my spare time to read around the subjects and fill my head with knowledge, but still, I will have nothing to do but turn up to lectures!!

24 November 2003

23 and still can't shave!

Never shave while angry at technology.

I worked up a healthy manly sweat tonight getting annoyed with my "burnproof" CD burners inability to produce a CD with anything on it other than whatever I throw in my bin next. To refresh myself before bed I decided I would have a shower, those Original Mint Sauce showergels never fail to impress! Then I had a brainwave, "hey, why not shave now to save time in the morning!" what a great idea.
A great idea that is, untill you take your mind off shaving.

Now those that know me know I don't have a lot of facial hair. I have to shave however as otherwise I look like I'm trying really hard to grow a tash that just wont come. So there I was, half-heartedly shaving while mulling over how to get my CD writer to work when. . . . scrape. . . I take half my chin off.
So now I'm bleeding into the sink while trying to finish off the job when. . . slice . . I manage to cut myself just under the nose!!!

This leaves me feeling like a delinquent shaver as I look at the mess I've just made of my face. I hastily finish the rest off and get to brushing my teeth while splashing blood all over the sink. It looks like a scene from American Psycho but I neither look cool nor have the respect for electronics that he does.

So now I'm off to bed with little bits of toilet roll stuck to my face.

Single??? Who. . . . me!!

23 November 2003

A weekend in the worlds ass.

And as the weekend draws to a close I have to look back, hit my forehead with my hand and ask the eternal question. . . Why???

I used to love weekends as a kid. You know what I think of them now. I think they suck. And do you know why I think they suck. Because whereas before a weekend was a time to go grass sledging or BMX'ing, back when BMX'ing meant more than hanging around with a group of dope smoking layabouts and trying to look cool, weekends were a time for getting grass stains in clothes and 10 pence mixes. Now they are for getting work done and doing your washing. This weekend has consisted of me catching up on the work I was meant to do last week when I was ill. It hasn't been a weekend at all. It has been an extended week. I did watch the rugby, that's it, I watched rugby, then I worked. Bummer.

So tonight I stopped work at seven. I have had enough. I'll catch up tomorrow. There must be more excuses. I need to do my washing.

Tomorrow is the first day back at the gym after a week off. I bought some more protein stuff today so I'm all psyched up for the week ahead. I have been toying with the idea of going every morning before uni but I don't know what I would do with the two extra training days. Maybe I could hang around the bench press and regale stories of how much I used to be able to lift before I broke my back. Hmmm, then again, I reckon to pull that off I would have to put on 200 pounds and grow a beard first.

Have I mentioned before that I hate this city. Well I hate it more now. One of the guys I live with got grief last night while walking home just because there were more of them than there were of him. How badly can people suck? I might write a letter to Germany and ask them to finish what they started.
It's raining at the moment as well. I hate this city more when it rains. It gets slippery and smells.

21 November 2003

Something odd is happening

no, I dont know how to get rid of all the random characters that have appeared in the posts. I'm hoping if I ignore the problem it will go away.

Another Wardy!!

While trying yet again to find a look I like - and I'm thinking I might keep this nice simplistic one - I stumbled across another Wardy on the internet. We were born around the same time, have the same surname and . . well. . . everything.
I'm putting a link to him so all go and have a look.

1,2,3,4, my hippy chant is sure to bore.

Some of the better placards on display in London,

Nuke is Puke!

We need Trees not Bush!

Fuck Bush.

And so the bandwagon of protest rolls out again to give dolers something to do on a weekday other than not have a job. Thousand upon thousand of people waltz down to London to compare a simple yet powerful man to a dictator who has systematically killed hundreds of thousands of his citizens by testing his weapons on them. Is Bush the worlds number one terrorist as some dirty dredlocked hippy would have us believe, well I think after only a nuance of rational thought we can safely say he isn’t. But hey, don’t let that get in the way of us making an effigy of him so we recreate scenes from the war that we are all protesting about. Yes, what better way to protest about a war than to act parts of it out. While we are at it we could offend Iraqis by mocking their groundbreaking act of freedom and liberation after a lifetime of oppression, oh oh, my mistake, we just did.
I could go on but I’ve already had my say on protestors when the war was ACTUALLY on. What war are these people now trying to stop? It’s over. Let it go. You lost.

As much as I don’t mind Bush, I think the whole “security� thing is a bit out of hand. It’s good to see that we are not letting terrorism rule us by only employing the population of a town to protect one man. Yes the terrorists sure are laughing, that’s now 4 million more pounds we don’t have to fight them.
While we are on the policing discussion I have a little fact for you. 14 000 police men in London for this circus, 11 000 troops in Iraq. Go figure.

On a lighter note does anyone else think that Bush may have just had a hand in the fact that Michael Jackson was arrested right in the middle of this visit. Hmmm, let me think, an unpopular trip that is attracting criticism and the worlds most famous and news worthy star gets arrested for child abuse again . . . . . coincidence???

20 November 2003

A warning.

I'm trying this new look for a bit but it does discriminate against people who's resoloutions are lower than 1024x768. If you are still having problems with getting everything on the screen then mail me and tell me to sort it out.

17 November 2003

Just a little test

I'm just testing mew templates at the mo so if you happen to come here and its all a mess or not working, dont worry about it. i should have it all sorted out for tomorrow.

Taking Lemsip TO THE MAX!

Well the only thing that could be better than seeing your brother in drag would be discovering that the aches and pains you have been harboring over the past couple of days will jump up and drag you down.
I'm now sat at home being generally poorly and trying to get my washing done without wanting to chunder!

Stephen in Sister Sibling Sensation.

What could be better than getting up on a Monday morning, braving the cold morning air to walk into university, sitting down at a computer ready to check your mail and blogs before starting a hard days work. . . and being confronted with your brother in drag.
Monday mornings will never seem the same.
Fifth picture down on the left. His girlfriend is the one on the right ;)

16 November 2003

Heel Toe, Heel Toe, Step Step Step Change.

There I was Saturday night, all ready for a night in front of the telly when Rich come in the lounge and goes “Hey Wardy, wanna go to a barn dance?� This was admittedly quite unexpected but after a small amount of deliberation I decided that a nice barn dance was just what I needed on that lonely Saturday afternoon.
We piled into the taxi when it arrived and on the way there were discussing how much Richard fancies CJ from The Westwing when we turned into an industrial estate. Now we didn’t have a clue where we were going and to suddenly find yourself in an industrial estate when the cabbie obviously knows we have no idea where we are going is a little scary. I had vision of robbery at gun point or a gang jumping us as we got out the cab. Luckily for us it wasn’t nearly as bad as that and it just happened that the place we were going to happened to be near the Jaguar plant.
So we went inside and nervously looked around for people we knew. There were none.
This left only one option, the bar. If we were going to get set upon in the middle of knowhere we may as well do it with a belly full of beer.
As the minutes passed people finally started arriving and we felt a little more at home.

Then the fun started.
A barn dance, it really does sound like the lamest thing a bunch of students could do. But you know what, it really was fun. We danced all night and it would be very true to say that our course owned the floor. We whooped, clapped and stamped the loudest. We danced the best and although some of the people there didn’t seem to be getting into the spirit of things we definitely made the night for a couple of old dears who got to dance with in excess of a dozen “young things�.

I remember as a kid being dragged to barn dances and hating it, then when my bro had one for his wedding it looked like fun – although I was on crutches so didn’t get to dosie doe – and now I love them. We are thinking of organising another one for ourselves in an actual barn, with hay and everything!!!

Barn dances, it doesn’t matter if you cant dance, everyone looks stupid.

15 November 2003


I just wrote this in an essay
"How long can your business afford to be out of business?"
Well I don't thing any professional writers are going to be running for cover at the thought of me graduating.

14 November 2003

A day of distantly reading around a subject.

Today I got fully distracted from work by reading a satire website for in excess of an hour. To refresh myself I walked from my school to the library, which ended up being rammed full of noisy people, so I walked back home and proceeded to find anything else to do with my day other than work.
This means I am now going to work both days of the weekend to teach myself a lesson for being such a waster.

I will have Sunday morning off to watch the rugby for obvious reasons but I really do need to get on top of this essay that is doing my head in now.

I read an article on sit ups today – really pushing the boat our Wardy, well done – and it would seem that I have been doing all sorts of exercises for my stomach that are of no use at all. To start with I thought it was just some crazy man with something against leg raises but as I read on it really did make sense.
Long story short – if your rib cage isn’t moving towards your hips, you aren’t working your stomach. Leg raises; out, short sit ups; in.

Dinner: fish and chips
Music: funeral for a friend
Throat: hoarse
Neck: sore

13 November 2003

Track after track of quality.

When I left the club last night and went out into the cool Coventry air, the night came to a close in the best of ways. I stood there . . . . and steamed. Yes, there was steam rising off me. It felt good.

I danced.
And when I say danced I don’t mean the kind of dance that people do where they hold a bottle in one hand while trying to look cool and catch some uninterested girls eye. No, I danced like a man possessed by the spirit of Jack Daniels. I had the perfect amount to drink – that great feeling where you know you’ve been drinking, but you’re not hammered and you don’t feel ill – and with strategic top up drinks the feeling lasted all night. They played great music – apart from a bit in the middle where they went on some random 80’s stuff – and played requests. I even bumped into a guy in an Iron Maiden t-shirt and discovered that he was going to see them the same time I was.
In all my years of dancing I have never danced for so long or for so hard as I did that night. By the time we got kicked out I was absolutely drenched in sweat. Truly nasty, but the unavoidable by product of spending the night in a heavy metal frenzy!!

12 November 2003

When Scrabble turns nasty.

Well what a great couple of days it’s been. My time of trying to like whiskey is over. After making myself chug down two bottle of Jim Beam in the quest to look sophisticated I finally managed to acquire a taste for the proper Scottish stuff. Talisker is my new drink of choice, its just soooo nice. Taste like liquid smoke and it’s the drink that just keeps on givin’. You think it couldn’t warm you any more and then it starts moving through your head after warming the entirety of your throat. Fantastic, give me more.

Played Scrabble last night – random I know – and managed to make up a story as we were playing that contained the words “alien�, “scroata � and “cloned�. You can kinda guess what kind of night it was.

Tonight is about the fourth party I am having for my birthday, its going out and getting crazy drunk then dancing like a maniac night. Should be good. The only problem is that due to the complete lack of decent clubs in this god forsaken city we have to go to a dive called “The Phoenix�. Still its cheapo student night and they don’t seem to mind doing requests so if all goes well they will play an eclectic mix of metal tunes and I wont be able to use my neck in the morning!

10 November 2003

I was at work and I poured a bucket of hot tar on myself.

And so there I was in a lecture. I was not going to say anything, I was going to sit there like a good little boy and keep my mouth shut. It was time to go and he just wanted to know if anyone had anything else to say. . . .so what did I go and do . . . yeah I went and lit a fire under everyone’s arse.
We were talking about risk, how it is perceived and the structures we have in place to deal with it. Everyone was making perfectly good points about how the government is set up and that there are agencies for this and departments for that, the lecture was at an end. . but I still had something to say.

What if. . I said. . what if we took away all these safe guards that have been protecting us everyday. How would we cope. What if the only person who was there to look after you was yourself, would we manage? Crashing your car is a risk but if we disbanded the emergency services would this not make people drive with a lot more care, thus reducing the risk. What if there was no health care system, would people still smoke, get blind drunk, take part in dangerous sports. People expect to take chances and lose. We rely on the emergency services to get us out of trouble that we get ourselves into by choice. The speed limit is just that, a limit, not a target. Do we have to see how fast we can travel on county B roads? Do we have to take part in activities that we know could cause us harm? The answer obviously is no, but we choose to because we have these safety nets to fall back on.
People no longer accept responsibility for their actions. We are always blaming the government for harm that befalls us. Do I have sympathy for the people on the telly who are dying because they have been smoking. . errr . . no, read the packet, talk to your doctor, open a paper, turn on the telly, open your eyes. Smoking kills, you wanna smoke, fine, but don’t complain if you die because of it. It was your choice.
“Accident Blackspots� are not caused by road design, they are caused by drivers not taking due care and attention. The road does not suddenly move, the markings do not change on a daily basis and unfortunately the drivers do not get any smarter.
Accident happen, yes, people get ill, yes, but can it still be called an accident when the person involved is aware they are putting themselves in harms way?

Now I’m not sat here saying I’m perfect. I do a lot of dumb stuff, and I too rely on the emergency services, and I know that disbanding them would be a really bad idea. All I was trying to do was get people to think about the ownership of risk. Why can’t we take responsibility for ourselves anymore? It is because we have lost our capacity to cope with even the slightest of mishaps. Look back to the war, when peoples houses were getting bombed they just got on with their lives. They helped each other out, pulled together and did the best they could. We act like we are in the middle of a catastrophe today if our oven breaks down at the same time as the telly.

To round up, this was all brought about because as I look around I can see that society is becoming weak. Us young ‘ens have had it easy, we have always had everything we needed and now with the chance of being compensated for every accident we are involved in, the world is a pretty cosy place. We don’t need to be scared of risk anymore because we get picked up, brushed off and then a cheque arrives in the post. We have lost our resilience, our coping capacity and our sense of responsibility. Maybe when we get these back we can start to accept that the world isn’t a perfect place but it’s the only one we’ve got, and that when the shit hits the fan you just have to get on with life.

Whooo, pretty heavy for this blog methinks. But there you are. I got shouted down by a lecture room full of people on that one but hey, it was never going to be popular was it.

09 November 2003

So I'm still in the library

But I just went upstairs to the Arts + Media floor and they have got the sweetest computers up there. All LCD monitors and sexy black keyboards and mice. Not like on the engineering floor at all. And the irony is that the arts people don't even write essays . . .What a rip.

There is a tear in my eye

Because it's Sunday afternoon and I'm in the library doing work.
I just spent 20 minutes looking for books for an essay I'm trying to write and it looks like everyone else on my course got here before me as there is not one left on the shelf. This means I have had to be very intuititive and . . . . . .err. . . just use my notes really.

Still we gave Wales a good beating so its not all bad!

08 November 2003

The Frech dude. . . . . . . . ?

Well I’ve just been to see the matrix and . . . . . well. . . . I dunno. I left feeling like they should have just stuck with the first one. To start off, Music. What went wrong here. The first film had an amazing sound track. It almost re-wrote how music in films should be used. The music took a good film and made it legendary. Then Reloaded came along and you get all this wishy washy chanting rubbish, and now Revolutions is here and its all big choirs and organs. Where are the heart rate increasing, speaker wrecking, ear bashing tunes that we came to love. Where is the bass line that rumbles through your body and makes you believe that while listening to this music you too could jump off walls and pull of a spinning flying high kicking thing. There is nobody in the world who can now listen to Spybreak without imaging themselves as a whacked out ninja. All we got from the last films was a feeling that Moses had just parted the sea.

Which brings me nicely on to the BLATENT Christian imagery. I mean, I don’t mind if they wanna use it but could they have not tried to be a bit subtle. We had the crucifixion, the fact that the devil owns the world, free will, there was probably some to do with the French dude as well. Yeah you remember the French dude, who fits in WHERE??? The architect HUH, the traindriver WHAT, and don’t even get me started on the kid who isn’t old enough to be in the army “The war is over� . . repeat . . . repeatedly.

I don’t mind a complex film but if they are gonna set up questions they could at least answer them. Crazy superhuman powers in the real world, what do you mean you don’t get it.

I must admit there were some nice touches, the Neo/Smith fight was quite cool, some nice touches like the dust blown up under them when they fly around a foot from the ground, very Manga, very nice. Using the same “Big Hit – Both fly back – Shock wave� time after time, not nice.

So basically don’t watch it. there are better fight scenes in the first film, better set pieces in the second and better music in Spice World.

However, I did have a party this weekend for my birthday and it was sooooooo cool. There were loads of people there and I had such a fantastic night I wanna do it all over again. There was fire, fireworks, drink, food, marshmallows, bad wine, good music and the best company you could ask for. Sorted.

Well as much as I would like to stay its getting late and I need an early night more than that kid needs to stop shouting “The war is over!�

Everything that has a beginning, has an end.

07 November 2003

An amazing discovery

While sitting in uni doing research I have discovered that both www.gogole.com and www.gooogle.com take you to Google. But the "gogole"one takes you to the English site.

Thanks mum and dad for paying my fees!!!

05 November 2003

Well I'm not getting any sleep tongiht. .

. . . and not for any of the fun reasons either!

Yes its bonfire night again and while politicians moan that people are having too much fun with explosives I have to sleep under a velux window and be woken approximately every fifteen minutes by a flash of red light and a boom so loud the neighbours cats haven’t crapped in our garden for a week.

Today I learnt the difference between hunger and famine and why just because there may be millions of people starving to death you cant class it as a famine. I then spent the afternoon looking at pictures of malnourished children and read a very refreshing article by Clare Short. Due to this article I will never read the Independent – not that I ever have – but they were having a real go at her without actually looking at what she was saying. Go Clare Short, my new favourite politician.

I have been listening to Speechwriters LLC almost non stop for two weeks now. If you haven’t already downloaded their stuff you have got to do it. I’ll put the link up again. HERE IT IS, and you have got to listen to them. If you like a dude and a guitar playing some awesome ( I’m not afraid to use that word ) tunes that you have got to get it.
There, I feel I have plugged them enough now.

I have two days to think of a question for my Independat Study, I’m thinking along the lines of “What steps can aid agencies take to improve the personal security of their staff?� So far I’m still deliberating but seeing as I have to have my proposal in my Friday I had better get my finger out.

Tomorrow I’m going to try and go charity shopping. We have discovered that Coventry is an untapped resource of charity shops that are actually quite good. I haven’t yet found a 70’s style brown leather jacket but I’m keeping my hopes up.

I leave you with the statistic that I have now fallen down my stairs zero times while drunk and four times stone cold sober!

04 November 2003

Evening all.

I cant work in the evenings. I'm meant to be working right now and I just cant. I don't know what it is, I get distracted really easily. During the day I'm not too bad but as soon as I've had my dinner its all systems shut down, kick back and relax. I think I'll have to stay in university till later as while I'm in I don't mind working, its just the moment I get back home that all enthusiams in lost.
Luckily for me I'm up at 7 every morning anyway so its looking like a few early studying sessions will be on the cards.

I got another piece of coursework today which I have three weeks to complete. I think I'm gonna do it this weekend so if I don't I'll post it on here and you can mail me telling me what a slacker I am.

This Friday its my hijacked birthday party and I cant wait, bought myself a liter and a half bottle of Grolsch today to celebrate with even though I don't like larger!!

03 November 2003

Thumbs up with a star!

So the weekend is over. Its Monday morning and I’m sat in uni waiting for my lectures to start.

This weekend was one of the best I have had at uni. On Friday night I had a fantastic night out for Halloween. There was dancing, drinking and generally silliness by all. Then to top the night off we even managed to get a selection of photos to remember it all by. You can see then here if you want but as with all photos of nights out, if you weren’t there then you don’t get that warming glow by looking back. You will also not understand why Ron has a star on his finger, but hey, you cant have everything.

Then on Saturday there was the recovering from Friday, and then yesterday there was the return of Sewer Strike. Yes, that most worthwhile of pastimes has reared its head once again. I’m getting all the pictures together at the mo and as soon as they are up I shall let you all know about it. Suffice to say that it should be amusing.

I’m still deliberating over whether I want to get a contract phone. I really did think I want one but then I keep thinking about all the other stuff I could buy with the money. If I got one I could call my friends in the evenings, but I wont be able to buy supplements, but I will be able to reply to text messages, but I wont be able to buy fish and chips on a Sunday. . .the list goes on and only leaves me wanting to increase my overdraft.

I think our house is hosting dinner this Thursday so I will have to clear the lounge of pizza boxes and bb guns. Oh yeah baby. . . we know how to live.